Don’t miss out on chocolate on a keto diet. It’s very, very good for you. It concentrates the benefits of a plant-based diet into a powerful, melt-in-the-mouth package. A keto chocolate recipe isn’t cheating and there’s no guilt in eating these creations.
Why? It’s the very high flavonoid content of chocolate. Flavonoids are powerful anti-oxidants positively linked to a longer life.
One study published in 2006 looked at three groups of men with low, medium and high chocolate consumption.
The group with the highest consumption – about 10 grams of cocoa daily – had half the risk of all-cause mortality. They were basically half as likely to die during the course of the research as those in the lowest group. Even more striking, they were 60% less likely to suffer heart disease and stroke.
One other surprising benefit of chocolate is that it mimics exercise. The compound (–)-epicatechin produces some of the benefits of being active, such as increased blood flow in your muscles. If you’re active as well, the benefit is in addition to that from real exercise.
So eating chocolate is a win-win. If aliens ever invade, they’ll probably be here for our chocolate. It’s both delicious AND good for you, especially in recipes that leave out the sugar, like all of these.
1. No-Bake Keto Chocolate Fudge
We’ll start with an easy one! Few ingredients, lots of room for mistakes in the amounts you use and the only cooking required is melting your unsweetened chocolate.
From: Savory Tooth

No-Bake Keto Chocolate Fudge & Soft & Chewy Keto Chocolate Cookies
2. Soft & Chewy Keto Chocolate Cookies
This is a great recipe that you’ll keep coming back to time and time again. Possibly daily. Nut butter is the magic ingredient in these cookies, so be aware that they may not suit everybody.
From: Healthy Recipes
3. Keto Chocolate Recipe Caramel Cake
A beautiful creation with a buttery almond crust, gooey salted caramel and bittersweet chocolate ganache, garnished with salted crystals. The recipe is very well presented with photographs for the tricky parts.
From: Keto Atosab

Keto Chocolate Recipe Caramel Cake & Keto Chocolate Cream Pie
4. Keto Chocolate Cream Pie
Heavy cream is a keto mainstay and this recipe brings it together with wonderful, life-giving chocolate. The rich and silky-smooth texture makes this a satisying end to any meal or all three courses of a midnight snack.
From: Lazy Girl Blog
5. Keto Chocolate Recipe for Ice Cream
This keto chocolate ice cream is so good that your non-keto friends will never know it’s sugar-free and homemade. If you can get it use organic cacao powder for this recipe.
From: Hungry for Inspiration

Keto Chocolate Recipe for Ice Cream & The Best Keto Pudding
6. The Best Keto Pudding
Sugar-free, quick and easy to make with simple ingredients. The hardest part of this recipe is waiting for it to chill in the fridge. Is it ready yet?
From: Wholesome Yum
7. Keto Fudge Fat Bombs
Chocolate and orange are a classic combination. They come together beautifully in this keto-friendly recipe. The fat in these bombs comes from good old butter. This recipe even tells you how to prepare your own powdered sweetener.
From: Joy Filled Eats

Keto Fudge Fat Bombs & Chocolate Keto Lava Mug Cake
8. Chocolate Keto Lava Mug Cake
Mug cakes are a thing, aren’t they? Single-serve desserts for keto people on the go. Bake in the oven, air fryer or zap it in the microwave.
From: Lazy Girl Blog
9. The Ultimate Keto Chocolate Cake
OK, this is the recipe that inspired this article. It would make a great keto birthday cake for a lucky low-carber. It is essentially a giant brownie with ornate icing, so plenty of opportunity to get creative with your decoration.
From: Gnom Gnom

The Ultimate Keto Chocolate Cake & Keto Avocado Chocolate Pudding
10. Keto Avocado Chocolate Pudding
You could spend hours creating a keto chocolate dessert, or just a few minutes with this recipe. But it will fill you up for hours thanks to the helping of healthy fats.
From: Keto Mamas
11. Keto Chocolate Donuts
These are still legal in most states. Which is surprising given how they look and taste. Irresistible and yet much healthier than the “real” thing.
From: Healthy Recipes

Keto Chocolate Donuts & Keto Chocolate Mousse
12. Keto Chocolate Mousse
Another quick recipe that’s ready in ten minutes. The step-by-step instructions will ensure you stay on track with a keto chocolate masterpiece that hits the spot.
From: The Health Creative
And to finish…
Homemade Keto Thin Mints
We were going to keep the recipes down to a dozen but then this one crossed our radar. So we had to make room, like poor Mr Creosote, for these wafer-thin mints.
Mint is another ingredient with unusual health-promoting properties. It’s been found to instantly increases exercise performance!