If you own an air fryer, you need these egg air fryer recipes
Funny to think that air fryers were first sold as a low-fat way to make french fries. Sure, they can do that and do that very well, but they’re so much more versatile.
French fries, even when air fried, do not make a healthy meal. The starch in potatoes causes insulin spikes that lay down fat in the body and there are worries about the health effects of acrylamides created by high-temperature cooking.
Plus, if you’re on a ketogenic or low-carb diet, french fries and other carb-rich foods are simply not on the menu.
Fortunately, air fryers can do wonderful things with vegetables, fish, meat and eggs.
It sometimes takes a little lateral thinking. How can runny eggs ever work in an air fryer without creating a mess? But it can be done and these dozen recipes show you how.
So let’s get cracking!
1. The Best Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs
There is a way to enjoy boiled eggs without waiting for a pan of water to boil or filling your kitchen with clouds of steam. Air fry for about 15 minutes for a perfect hard-boiled egg, around 10 to 11 minutes for soft-boiled. This recipe advises plonking the boiled eggs into a cold water bath after cooking – makes them easier to peel.
From: Courtney’s Sweets

Air Fryer Boiled Eggs & Air-Fried Omelette
2. Easy Air Fryer Omelette
Prepared in the air fryer and filled with fresh veggies and cheese, this omelette is ready to eat in only 8 of your Earth minutes.
From: Bitz & Giggles
3. Low Carb Egg Muffins
A practical recipe that uses up leftovers to create a yummy and healthy breakfast. I like little bits of chorizo and spring onion in mine, but you can throw in whatever you enjoy most. Except for little cubes of carrot: I’m pretty sure that would ruin them.
From: Montana Happy

Air Fryer Egg Muffins and Air Fryer Fried Eggs
4. Air Fryer Fried Eggs
One of the most basic things you can make in the air fryer and probably why you came to this page. I know it’s why I wrote this. Warning: you will need a small pan that fits in your air fryer. If you have one, great, these eggs have a character all of their own.
From: Fork to Spoon
5. Pastel de Nata – Portuguese Egg Tarts
I like any and all egg custard recipes. My dad used to buy me an egg custard as a treat when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old and I can still remember them. Pastel de Nata use flaky pastry which adds an extra dimension to the sweet custard filling. I was so glad when I figured out how to make these in my air fryer.
From: Rasa Malaysia

Pastel de Nata and Air Fryer Scotch Eggs
6. Air Fryer Keto Low Carb Scotch Eggs
Not only is this a Scotch Egg recipe that works in your air fryer it’s also low-carb, keto-friendly and flavor-packed. Great for picnics and to take to the game. I like to take these on cycle rides, they’re perfect when only a substantial snack will do.
From: Two Sleevers
7. Air Fryer Puffed Egg Tarts
Cheese and eggs, the dream ticket, and packed into a puffed egg tart you can prepare in your air fryer. Check out this recipe, I implore you!
From: The Flying Couponer

Air Fryer Puffed Egg Tarts & Air-Fried Frittata
8. Air Fryer Frittata
A frittata adapted to the Air Fryer that’s perfect if you maintain a low carb diet, monitor your carb intake or just enjoy eggs.
From: Awe-Filled Home Maker
9. Air Fryer Eggs in a Bell Pepper Ring
I cannot bring myself to eat bell peppers, but I know a lot of people like them. Personally, I think these monstrous things barely qualify as a food at all, but hey, here’s a recipe that ruins eggs with bell peppers! 😉
From: Awe-Filled Home Maker

Eggs in Bell Pepper Rings and Air-Fried French Toast Soldiers
10. Air Fryer French Toast Soldiers
AKA eggy bread in my house. This is a masterful version with cinnamon, brown sugar, nutmeg and icing sugar. Ten minutes in the air fryer and you have something very special to tuck into. I usually have them with a big gloop of heavy cream.
From: Recipe This
11. Low Carb & Keto-Friendly Air Fryer Egg Cups
Another very versatile recipe – you could add all sorts of tasty morsels to this recipe. I go large on the cheese and add a little ham too. What would you use?
From: Eazy Peazy Meals

Low Carb & Keto-Friendly Air Fryer Egg Cups and Air Fried Egg in a Hole
12. Air Fried Egg in a Hole
From: Go Wise Products