If you are putting hours in at the gym but don’t seem to be getting the results you are hoping for then you are not alone. Nearly every fitness fanatic experiences a plateau at some point, but to be on the safe side, you do need to make sure that you are not making these top workout mistakes.
Not Stretching
Putting the focus on your workout is great, but at the same time, what happens before is also important. Before you go ahead and work out, try and make sure that you stretch so you can drastically reduce the chance of injury. Little things like going on a light jog before you start your gym session can help you out more than you realise.
No Variety
When you adopt a workout routine, you need to make sure that there is a lot of variety. One way to guarantee this would be for you to devote certain days to certain muscle groups. If you do this then you will soon find that you can give your body chance to recover on rest days, as well as making sure that you are not overworking the same muscular groups.
Eliminating Recovery
You have to put time into your recovery. When you work out, you will break down your muscles. For this reason, you need to spend time building them up again. One way you can do this would be for you to drink a protein shake. You can also take an ice bath, or stretch. Either way, if you try to do things like this then you will soon see a huge difference in the way you feel after your workout.
Not Indulging
This one may be surprising, but you need to give yourself the chance to indulge. If you don’t then you may find that you end up consuming way more carbs than you realise. One way for you to work around this would be for you to try and allow a few cheat days now and again.
If you don’t want to compromise your routine too much, then consider cooking yourself. This allows you to regulate how much sugar goes into your cheat meals. If you want somewhere to start then this homemade ganache recipe is certainly worth checking out.
Skipping Leg Day
One of the biggest mistakes you could hope to make is skipping leg day. When people go to the gym, they usually focus on curls or bench presses. That being said, if there is one area you should not overlook, it’s your legs.
You have to build a good foundation in your lower body if you want to see good results out of your upper body. Leg days may well be more gruelling and you may find it hard to walk the next day, but it is very beneficial for your workout routine and for this reason, you need to make sure that you are including them as much as possible.
If you avoid these top mistakes, you should find that it is easier to see bigger and better results at the gym.
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